• 5 Quick Tips to Feng Shui Your Office

    5 Quick Tips to Feng Shui Your Office
    We spend most of our waking hours in the office every day. This makes creating a comfortable and conducive working environment an important task. Based on Chinese philosophical system of creating harmony in a physical environment, Feng Shui literally translates as “wind-water” in English. Applying concepts of Feng Shui in your office not only improves the energy flow in your space, but also increases...
  • UNO Office Chair Facebook Giveaway (October 2018)

    The answer for Wilsin’s October Giveaway is the Telescopic Beam for our Deskspace system! Deskspace features volumetric flexibility to the length and width of your workstations. It fully optimizes every inch of your workspace by enabling storage solutions above and beneath the workstations. This configurability allows up to 70% of the components to be reused thus achieving cost savings in the long run. Features of Deskspace...
  • Employees Then Vs Now

    Employees Then Vs Now
    “There Is Nothing Permanent Except Change” – Heraclitus of Ephesus, Greek Philosopher Change is essential for any organization, especially in the retainment and development of human capital assets. As the needs and requirements of our clients evolve rapidly over the years, it is also vital for business owners to keep up with the wants of the employees at the same time. Failure to do so...